Whether you’re a meat-lover or flexitarian, we could all do with a meat-free meal from time to time. With meat so intrinsically entwined in our diets it can become hard to imagine a meal without it! But as we become increasingly conscious of the planet and our bodies’ needs, it is important to make a few vegetarian or vegan meals and do our bit. So here’s some kick-starter ideas on how to do just that!
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Lentils have a similar texture to ground meat so are perfect for spaghetti bolognese, shepherd’s pie, or tossed with roasted vegetables to make a ‘Jumble’. Getting tinned lentils will cut down your preparation and cooking time compared to mince. They’re also nutritious and more budget-friendly.
Black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, mixed beans… your new favourite ingredient! Discover the endless meals you can make with that humble tin of nutritious beans in your cupboard. Mix or mash them into burritos, meatballs, soup, chilli, hot pots, burgers, meatballs and salad. Where you normally use beef or chicken, you can most often use beans.
Mushrooms are one of the best meat-free swaps due to their chewy texture which can be made amazingly crispy too. Mushrooms also soak up flavours easily so using a smoky seasoning and pan-frying them make them the perfect bacon alternative for a pasta, salad or sandwich. Or marinating them with BBQ sauce and grilling them on a skewer will be a sure crowd-pleaser. Portobello mushrooms are large and therefore perfect as a burger!
Meat-free food doesn’t just have to consist of greens and beans! At Iceland we have ultra-tasty, ultra-easy meals. We’ve got pies, nuggets, ice cream, hot dogs, sausage rolls and burgers, from big brands like Quorn, No Meat, Linda McCartney, Fry’s and even Greggs!
Browse our tempting range to get inspiration for your next meat-free meal at iceland.co.uk/frozen/vegetarian.